Thursday, October 14, 2010


Sometimes its just hard being a mom.
Sometimes its probably hard being the kid.
Sometimes it must feel hard to move from kid to young adult.


  1. You know, in our Power of Positive Parenting classes I can't tell you the number of times I say those exact words, "sometimes being the parent is hard, but it is so needed and necessary in raising wonderful children and young adults." It's not easy to be the one that stays calm, it's not easy to be the one that has to tell them the consequence of their actions but it is necessary and eventually the rewarding thing. From the parent doing the hard stuff, the family is blessed, makes better choices, lives in a better environment, etc. Yes being the mom (parent) is very hard - and it is SO worth it!

  2. Sheri, you and Kevin are phenomenal parents. But I agree - being a parent may be the hardest thing I've ever done - and being a child must be so hard at times too. LIFE is just not easy at times, right? No matter what season you are in. Josh always says - we're fighting the little battles now so we can minimize the bigger ones later. Keep coaching and cheering your children along - on their journey - as they all grow into young adults! Keep up the GOOD work. love you, friend.


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